Finding the Alchemist Within: Turning Yourself To Gold! – A Journey Through The Labyrinth of Self-Healing

edited by

Author: Tony, USA

Author’s Experience Rating:

Editor: Jefferson

Author’s review

I received my finished, edited manuscript a day earlier than scheduled and I'm extremely pleased. I am a newbie self-publishing author, and this is a non-fiction 385 page book about alternative medicine, energy-work and self-healing. I spent fifteen years compiling notes and creating this manuscript with some one hundred-twenty revisions. I was a bit apprehensive to say the least about letting it go for copy-editing. Every staff member I encountered along the way was very prompt to respond and answer my questions, very helpful, and a joy to work with.

Having Jefferson as my copy-editor for this project was a dream come true for me. Not only does he have an interest and understanding of my genre, (healing arts and energy work) but he also had a genuine interest in making sure my message was clear, concise and proper. The transformation that my manuscript went through by the wordsmithing of a true craftsman absolutely left me spellbound. I could not believe how beautifully the words flowed and the main focus was only emphasized all the more.

I hired FirstEditing because their price and turnaround time seemed very reasonable. But really, I was sold on the free sample edit. It was the forward to my book, and they did a fantastic job on it!

The editing that was done gave me a whole new perspective on my message in the book. As an author, you loose sight of how important your work is, simply because you have looked at it daily for months to years. Reading my manuscript after the copy-editing opened my eyes to my own message as if I had never heard those words before. This was a revelation and an ah-ha moment for me. I realized by the end of the read that my work was reflective of my passion and vision.

Cathryn, (my contributing author for my first book) and I have at present 5 more books in the wings to be written. FirstEditing, and namely Jefferson, will be on top of my list of contacts when they come around this spring and summer. I think so much of Jefferson's work that I felt moved to include him in the acknowledgements of this book. Thank you all so much. I never thought that I could be overjoyed at having 10,044 edits to look review and accept. By the way, this was all done in one shot. There was nothing to reject, change or add to. Job Well Done!

Tony Damian

Author’s Experience Rating: 0

Author’s review

A short introduction

This is a book about your Self-Healing, about ridding yourself of stress and pain. It is for those who have not been exposed to energy work and those looking to further their understandings. To start this path to Self-Healing, you only need to look at where you are right now this is the starting line, and congratulations! This is exactly where you should be in space at this precise moment in time. This is what we refer to as Shaman Time, being exactly where we need to be at the time needed to be there. This is the reason you are here right now reading this. It is your time to make a positive change from within. Something deep inside is telling you that there has to be a better way, and you are right the way is You!

Self-Healing means taking on the responsibility and mindfulness to fully heal from whatever it is that inflicts you, be it a "disease" or what we refer to as "dis-ease" health condition, hereditary dysfunction, or any other physical, emotional, or mental illness. There is no one method of completely healing any condition by doing one particular modality. Full healing requires encompassing all realms of human existence: the full body and all of its intricately woven functions and systems; the mind, which includes memories, traumas, fears, obsessions, and predetermined outcomes; and the spirit, by which I mean the energetic self, life force energy, chi, ki, or prana. This is why this book contains two workbooks.

Featured in this book is a hands-on REFERENCE GUIDE AND WORKBOOK THROUGH THE CHAKRAS FOR SELF-HEALING AND WALKING AS A SHAMAN. This workbook categorizes and utilizes all that is given to us by Mother Earth to support and enhance our lives, strengthen our bodies, balance our emotions, and soothe our souls. My personal Medicine Woman, Simply Cathryn, takes you on a journey with her 40 years of experience through the energy centers of the body that weave every atom of our being naturally into the tapestry of all life on Earth and awaken us to our true selves as good stewards to life on Earth happy, healthy, and well adjusted.

Each of the Chakras, which support the functions of particular systems and organs of the body, is visited as a portal into the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body. Simply Cathryn first looks at the history behind each Chakra. She then suggests aromatherapy to soothe and heal and flower essence to unlock dis-ease, releasing known, as well as unknown, memories buried deep in the tissues supporting each Chakra. She visits customs, rituals, and protocols of the Ancients, and through activities, she shows how you already have around your home all the things you need to improve everyday living. She teaches about what gems to use, teas to drink, and foods to eat that are the medicines of each Chakra and its systems.

How we'e arrived to the point of needing healing is also an important factor in this book. What have we fed our bodies? What toxicities and heavy metals have we exposed ourselves to? What stresses have we been put through? The fact that most conditions have come about through many years of abuse, neglect, unknowing environmental exposures, and stress also means you must be willing to take the time to unravel, cleanse, repair, rebuild, and heal each layer. By doing this, you heal once and for all unlike with modern medicine, which only suppress the symptoms. If the underlying causes are not addressed, the original problem still exists and will resurface again.

This book will help you become aware of the total involvement necessary for self-healing. The first step is creating a mindset to heal: accepting everything for what it is and allowing everything to be as it is, channeling your thoughts in a positive manner, and knowing and believing without doubt or fear that you can heal yourself. This is followed by healthfully and naturally making your food your medicine, creating new daily habits, learning ancient rituals and traditions, making tools for self-healing, and taking back responsibility for your own healthcare. The result is a new way to walk through life: walking AS IF.

The second workbook is THE LABYRINTH OF SELF-HEALING. I will take you on a journey with my 25 years of experience in the Healing Arts to show you how to create the mindset needed to heal while explaining the concepts of energy, work, and healing the body, mind, and spirit. I will show you how to concentrate, manipulate, and move life-force energy, ki, chi, or prana to do this work. Energy work is channeling the inherent energy found in all living things into a place where it may be stagnant, blocked, or out of balance. Whether you are in the Healing Arts or facilitating your own Self-Healing, the work and the energy are the same. This workbook is designed so that anyone can use it. I will teach you, through guided imagery and meditations, how to clear the body, mind, and spirit of stress and pain.

There are hundreds of healing modalities around the world and throughout time. None are greater or less than another it is all about intention and focus. In this book, I use a few different modalities to explain concepts and suggest ideas that I have learned over the years. The energy work that I teach in this book is an entity unto itself, a culmination of various modalities from around the world and throughout time. I call it the Dragons Way.

This is a how-to manual as well, teaching you how to manipulate your own energy to heal yourself, whether you are a practitioner in the Healing Arts or just someone who is tired of being told that there is nothing else to do, that your pain is all in your head, or, the worst, that if you do not take these prescriptions or have this surgery you cannot and will not heal! Reiki, as any modality, is not learned from a book, CD, DVD, or webpage; it is learned by sacred tradition from teacher to student. Reiki attunements are necessary to channel the life-force energy of the universe in a disconnected or empathetic manner. If not attuned to Reiki, you can inadvertently drain your own energy and create energy attachments.

Reiki, or any other healing modality for that matter, is not a replacement for a healthcare professional. If you have a serious condition, or are under a doctor's care for a specific condition, seek professional guidance before considering energy work. Energy Work is a form of Complementary Alternative Medicine. A complement is not a replacement; use it with discretion and with the best of intentions. When your intention is for the best and highest good for yourself and for anyone else involved, known or unknown, it is the way of nature and will manifest into a reality with harm to none.

It is painfully obvious to see the difference between Original Medicine and Modern Medicine; we see what is in the best interest for our whole healing and what is not. For instance, take a good look at a pharmaceutical ad on television, which spends only a few seconds on what it can do for you and the rest of the time on all the side effects all due to unnatural, synthesized chemicals. It's time to return to making our medicines from natural herbs, vitamins, minerals, and flora and create meals that address our needs making food our medicine in the same way our ancestors did for thousands of years. This is a book about returning to what we have lost over the past 70 years: Personal Responsibility and Original Medicine.

To your health, happiness, and wellbeing ~ Namaste ~ TonyD

Author: Tony

Tony was born in Gettysburg, PA. He grew up and raised his family in central Connecticut for 45 years and has spent the past 10 residing in central Florida. Tony was a laborer with many different jobs through the 70s and 80s as a contractor. Until that came to abrupt end in 1982 with a freak, near fatal accident left him with several discs, ribs, and nerves damaged. After 7 years of painkillers, muscle relaxers, and multiple tests and scans; the neurosurgeons came back with the diagnosis that whether or not surgery was done he would be in a wheelchair and paralyzed from the waist down within 3 to 5 years. This was unacceptable to Tony, he just had his third daughter and still had way too many things to do in life. Thus started his quest for alternative healing methods. Over the next several years he experienced many different types of energy healing modalities then eventually studied and mastered them as to be his own healer. From that point on, Tony became his own healthcare provider, doing Reiki on himself daily along with meditation, chi-kung, tai-chi, and natural vitamins, teas, and foods. He healed gradually and totally from this injury. His self-healing quest then expanded into facilitating healing in other people, pets, and wild animals. Today Tony, together with his life and writing partner Cathryn, share their combined years of experiences and training to help others learn to care for themselves. - Tony has Global Ancient Tribal experiences and research in healing since 1985 - Usui Ryoho Traditional and Angelic Reiki Practitioner since 1998 - Master/Teacher of Magnified Healing since 1998 - Guided Meditation Writer/Leader since 1999 - Medical Chi-Chung designed for the elderly and handicapped - Instructor since 2000 - Master/Teacher of Usui Shiki Ryoho Traditional and Angelic Reiki since 2000 - Graduated Florida College of Natural Health as a Nationally Certified, Massage Therapist and body-worker 2012 - Training included: Craniosacral Therapy, Reflexology, and Acupressure - Master Practitioner of Usui Pranava Reiki since 2012 - Advanced Pranic Healing Practitioner since 2012

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