Quitnic A New Dawn Rising

edited by FirstEditing.com

Author: Brian, South Africa

Author’s Experience Rating:

Editor: Michael

Author’s review

I have never used an editor before and was not sure what I would get. However, I have been very pleasantly surprised. I am hoping to write another book in the next few years and when it is completed I will certainly look to making use of your services.

I think I got your details from Amazon.com.

Your free sample gave me confidence that you would do a good job.

It was only when I got the completed job (which I have reviewed ) that I was able to appreciate the full value of a well edited document.



Author’s Experience Rating: 0

Author’s review

A short introduction

You are probably not ready to quit smoking.

You are probably fearful of what lies ahead.

You are not being asked to quit smoking. All you are being asked to do is to read this book, devise a quit programme and take one step at a time until you are ready to quit.

This book is written by someone who battled nicotine addiction for some fifty years. It contains a comprehensive but concise discussion of most of the more effective techniques used for quitting smoking.

It is presented in a manner which allows the reader to select those bits and pieces of the different techniques that suit them. As you read the book you will be asked to start your own journal. This will enable you to develop a tailor-made quit programme just to suit you by selecting the best bits and pieces from the best techniques available.

The book is presented in a motivational style which will take you through a process that will clear away your fears, to a point at which you will are keen to embark on the adventure of quitting. The aim is to equip you with the necessary knowledge, skills, tools, courage, motivation and mind-set to quit smoking and to remain free.

One of the most important keys to success is replacing your old lifestyle with a new lifestyle. You will be shown how you can look forward to a "new dawn rising" as you cleanse yourself of the burden that nicotine has placed on you.

Quitting is easy, provided you work hard at it. The good news is that it is just hard work - nothing to fear, nothing to get stressed about. You will learn how to work through a number of steps which will prepare and motivate you for the task ahead.

Quitting is a process. By reading this book you are making a start on a wonderful journey. All you need to do now is to keep walking.

Author: Brian

Brian has lived his whole life in South Africa. He was born at the close of the Second World War in 1945. One of the most significant things he learned at school was how to smoke. In those days, the early 1960’s, the harmful effects of smoking were largely unknown. His mother always warned him that if he smoked he would grow up to be short like his Grandfather. Although this had some effect it was not enough to stop him. Once he passed five foot two, his Grandfather’s height, he pretty much stopped worrying about this. He gave up smoking for the first time in 1962. This only lasted for about six months. By this time he had finished school and smoking was socially well accepted. Smoking in aircraft, cinemas and any other public places was the norm. He never considered that there might be any serious need to give up. It was only in the 1980’s that he made his second serious attempt to quit. This time he remained free for about six years. His last attempt was in October 2011 and he has remained free since. After leaving school he studied agriculture and soil conservation engineering finally ending up working as an environmental consultant. He is now semi-retired although he still works part-time as a freelance consultant.

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