The Fantastic Phantasmic Detective Agency and the Rebel Realm

edited by

Author: Debra, USA

Author’s Experience Rating:

Editor: Vonda

Author’s review

What I liked the most about the editing services I received is that it was quick and professional. I chose your services based off the quality of the free sample, the personal communication, and the cost. I gained another set of eyes to see errors I could no longer see myself as well as punctuation I am not as familiar using. This was quite valuable as my novel was edited by another service before I sent it to you and, based off the many spelling and punctuation errors Vonda found in my novel, apparently my first editing service wasn't as focused as I had thought.

As for a success story, only time will tell. I am still an aspiring author.

Author’s Experience Rating: 0

Author’s review

A short introduction

It's just another ordinary summer day of hunting frogs for twelve-year-old Billy, Abby, and Toby, when they stumble upon a deserted lake cabin and meet Mary, a real live ghost, searching for her lost locket. The trio offer to help her find it and the Fantastic Phantasmic Detective Agency is launched.

But when the agency enlists the help of the grumpy medium Monsento to help them with their second case, locating a ghost's missing ghost brother, a mysterious visitor from the UnderWorld appears. Soon the agency is drawn into a case involving rebellious spirits, undead Realm Walkers, officious OtherWorld Bureaucrats and traitorous UnderWorld Ambassadors.

Can their budding detective agency survive its first case?

Author: Debra

Debra L. Dugger has worked in the biotechnology business for over 18 years and, as a departure from penning dry science reports, decided to try her hand at weaving bizarre stories about the afterlife. Chicago-born and a loyal Cub fan, Debra currently resides in the San Francisco Bay Area. When she’s not working on goofy paranormal tales, she spends her time assisting her wood-carving husband with his art shows, using her poor art skills to create ugly metal jewelry, and torturing herself with unhealthy, highly addictive time-management computer games.

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