Theory of Freedom

edited by

Author: Daniel , Nigeria

Author’s Experience Rating:

Editor: Max

Author’s review

I see my primary editor, Max, as a bridge builder for written ideas and thoughts; fostering proper communication channels that yield the intended results between the authors and a targeted community of readers.

My research work has been given the needed impetus for academic precision which was earlier lacking before the submission. Max has wondrous ways of merging written thoughts with ideas and communication.

In addition to this, their pricing is very affordable yielding in-depth perspective and insight presentation despite the costs attached. I would gladly and always seek their services in my future endeavour.

Author’s Experience Rating: 0

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A short introduction

The philosophy of life has eluded many people, and hence, it continues to seek succour from various sources of dispersed knowledge, not knowing that the answers to life's questions and all existence is right there on our door step; ranging from the original framework and therefore finding the right coordinates to excel further.

The theory of relativity tries to understand the aspect of freedom and thus considers the reference point of an object in space, and the seeming demonstration of various reference frames, which are actually not separate, but rather interdependent or dependent as the case may be.

This book aims to help resolve the difficulty and mystery surrounding the understanding of the theory of relativity, and by looking at the various Lorentz-Einstein in order to transform them into a single equation, it can now be referred to as the Freedom equation.

The Freedom equation would then be able to answer and resolve all aspects of matter and wave upon which our world is built, by appropriately illustrating the state of freedom for phenomena and their time cohorts. The freedom equation would therefore provide the need for the theory of relativity to change and incorporate into the theory of freedom, which would still place an emphasis on the function of space and time. However, now, with the inclusion of speed and distance to demonstrate this variation and uniqueness in matter and wave function and their processes, we must bear in mind that matter and wave are a function (product) of these four variables (space, speed, distance, and time), which can either be dependent, interdependent, or independent.

It is hoped that this book's usefulness is applicable in other endeavours that are humanistic and religious, and hence influence the entire formation activity of both Humans and Nature. This book aims to unveil the chain of activity behind phenomena by using and considering previous knowledge of Human redress and then applying the principle of Natural perspective to remove the bottle neck associated with the creation or evolution of man and other objects.

Author: Daniel

Daniel Nanpak Zuzul is currently a Principal Programmer in the Information and Communication Directorate (ICT) unit, University of Jos, Plateau state, Nigeria. Daniel received his Master’s degree in Internet, Computer, and System Security from the University of Bradford, and holds a bachelor’s degree in Physics/Computer from the Federal University of Technology, Minna. He had previously taught physics at the Anglican Girls Secondary School in Nnewi during his Youth Service corps programme. Prior to joining the University, he gained some understanding of the workings of the human mind and world from life experience, and whence forth applied his knowledge and experience during his undergraduate programme. His concerns predominantly lie with the nature of man and events and the probability of events that creates a subsequent event base on their varied outcome. He understands that in every outcome, there exists an independent one; otherwise, there would be nullity and void. That everything from creation or evolution, there is a design and that these designs are arranged in a systematic pattern and each accorded set rule(s) of compliance and unfolded accordingly.

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