Writers Blog

Advice for nonfiction and fiction authors, plus professional help for academics completing their thesis, dissertation, and research projects.
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A short story is a joy to craft. Not only do you not have the challenge of a long novel, but you can...
When I was younger, my writing process went a bit like this: I came up with new ideas chapter by chapter,...
Ever since Karel Capek wrote the play R.U.R. in 1920 and coined the term “Robot”, the character vs. technology...

Recent Articles

You’ve decided to write about your life. You’ve probably already picked your reasons and main areas of interest, but one question still remains… Are you going to write an autobiography or a memoir? And what’s the difference between them? Well, get ready to learn the ins and outs of the memoir vs. autobiography...
When writing Young Adult Science Fiction, you need a compelling plot that involves a protagonist’s journey toward a goal while overcoming obstacles. However, what if we’re nearly halfway into the novel, and we have yet to reach the inciting incident that kick-starts the main plot? What if the entirety...
The hero, or heroine, of the story is key to its success. The quest or journey they are on propels the plot forward, taking the reader with them through a romance, marriage breakup, leaving home or another adventure or challenge. If the hero comes home (even figuratively) after this adventure, it’s likely...
Stream of Consciousness might sound more like a reference to psychology, and it is, but it’s also a narrative device or writing style that tries to authentically capture the human experience. It is primarily used in fiction writing and attempts to depict how people think by mimicking the non-linear way...
The repeated use of sounds, words, syllables, clauses and phrases, and ideas can be a really effective literary technique because our brains like patterns and it’s a great way to engage a reader. This can be as simple as children’s books that use repetition to support young readers with a level of predictability...
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